20 Great Copywriting Tips for Bloggers

Writing content for a blog on a laptop at home
Writing content for a blog on a laptop at home

Starting your blog is like buying tickets and packing suitcases for an unforgettable journey. You plan everything but never know what actually will happen to you on this trip.

First, define what experience you can share with the audience to make your blog valuable. This welcomes a chance to attract companies that would like to use your blog as an advertising platform.

To prepare yourself for this uneasy work, consider these 20 copywriting tips that will help your texts stand out from others.

1. Upgrade your writing skills

Remember that a blog is where visitors would like to find reliable information on a specific subject. At this stage, you need to have the writing skills to explain complex themes with simple words and engage readers as much as you can. 

Newbie bloggers are always great in self-development and aren’t afraid to improve their writing skills at a special writing service and find custom support for their texts. Many specialists can help you develop your writing style and write on any topic effortlessly. 

2. Think about the field you are good at

To create a platform, you need to think about the relevance of the topics you want to reveal and emphasize them with possible business advertisements. You should be interesting not only for readers but also for potential partners ready to pay for the promotions. Indeed, you can write about medicine or psychology, but if you don’t have practical skills in these fields, it is better not to lie to your readers. 

Start with the topics that are understandable to you, or ask someone to support you with them. It is good if you have someone who can give you advice; otherwise, your blog will be banned from the list of trustworthy ones.   

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3. Keep things accurate

Plan everything and prepare a template for your articles. It will help you to complete your texts in one style, so readers know the structure and understand the content better. Plan what you would include in every article: bullet points, questions-answers, narrative.

Before launching, think about the components of posts you will process in the nearest future. Consider visual elements as well: choose photos or find images related to each article.

At the next stage, you need to think about periodicity when you will be making posts. If you do your articles every day, prepare the material in advance. For instance, when you make your first post, you should have nearly 30 texts ready to be published during the first month, so you have time to create content for the next one. 

4. Don’t save on staff

If you see that your blog is gaining momentum, think about expanding your team. Choose a content marketer, SEO specialist, editor, accountant, IT specialist, and business analyst who would help you develop your blog.

Although it might be expensive at the start, it is the most effective way to move to the next stage. Moreover, your blog will look much more professional than if you would do it alone. You can start with hiring freelancers or part-time employees when there is still not too much work on your site.

Indeed, many online tools are helpful for beginner bloggers: Squirrly for SEO optimization, Sendible for mailing, and Fyrebox for creating surveys and quizzes. Still, having extra hands is never excessive to boost your blog. 

5. Create a catchy headline

Clickbait headline on a business newspaper, copywriting tips

If you don’t have an engaging topic, no one will be interested. A blog is your business, so it should promote the information inside with a helpful corresponding caption. Think out of the box while brainstorming your topic.

Great articles start at the primary topic’s idea, so don’t rush this process. Present it uniquely, and don’t be afraid of manifesting it with your voice. For instance, an article about time management could start with the headline: 

“Late Again: 10 Time-Management Apps That Don’t Let You Miss Life”

Another example of an article about wedding proposal ideas could sound like these:

“She’ll Never Say No: Five Romantic Ideas to Make Your Marriage Even Happier” 

CoSchedule has a good free tool to check how clickable your headline is. Simply paste your headline and receive recommendations.

6. Include relevant information only

Make your articles valuable with strict and informative content. There is so much similar information online that readers could be bored with one more repetitive text. Don’t disappoint your audience with copied content, as it is essential to make each article unique.

There are many online tools to check plagiarism, such as SmartSEOTools, Plagiarism Detector, Unicheck, and Quetext. Support everything with evidence and organize information in logical order. It increases readers’ trust and compels them to return to your blog later on. 

Grammarly and LanguageTool are some of the best premium plagiarism and text checker tools used by professional copywriters. Their features include writing style analysis, grammar and punctuation checking. The services are available from desktop, online or as browser extensions.

7. Split texts

Imagine if you visit the library and find one big book with the entire library inside. It would be impossible to read this giant text, so apply this understanding to articles in a blog. For instance, if you have several related topics to write about, break them into different texts.

It would be more enjoyable for your reader to get information on a precise field. Even if the text is too big, separate it with headings, subtopics, bullet points, and format information into tables if necessary.  

8. Promote wisely

Looking for business partners who like to advertise their products through your blog is a very responsible approach. Try to cooperate only with those who have products or services related to the theme of your blog.

For instance, if your blog is about education, don’t submit promotions of gaming companies or services for pets. Indeed, you can expand the article’s topic and provide a different outlook in each text; still, staying loyal to your blog’s central idea will save you from many inconsistencies. 

9. Focus on the introduction

Each text’s starting point is crucial for every reader. At this very moment, they understand whether they want to move forward or close the article instantly. Hook the audience with an engaging sentence.

Rely on your personal taste and answer your question, “Would I continue reading this text after this hook?” If the answer is “Yes,” you have a great starting point. Otherwise, if you think the hook is not developed enough, it is time to work on it. 

10. Pay attention to paragraph length

Each paragraph should keep one idea and not be too overwhelming for those reading your article for the first time. A paragraph is like a limited food portion, so you need to include no more than 4-5 valuable sentences in each.

Before completing each paragraph, try to outline your article and determine central points for each part of the text. The more issues you have, the more sections you should create to reveal the topic concisely. It is good because, in this case, paragraphs would be short but straight to the point.  

11. Keep sentences simple

The text’s simplicity depends on how you reflect your thoughts. Try to omit complex definitions and long words to allow the reader to enjoy your delivery. Even the most demanding scientific topic could be revealed with understandable and short sentences.

Also, consider that the audience may vary in terms of essential knowledge, so you need to explain complex things simply. Sentence length plays a vital role in the text’s clarity and helps readers to understand the subject better and also the author to mix up ideas. 

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12. Play with the font format

Thank you for shopping note on website

Today there are no limits in formatting articles. If it helps you to make the text attractive, why not benefit from it? Make headlines bold, highlight quotes with cursive, and underline essential facts. Remember, these phrases shouldn’t be long. Otherwise, ordinary text would be less perceptible. 

Keep in mind that all headlines should be a larger font size and short and concise. You can mark them with color and add animations, but it depends on your HTML/CSS skills while adding text in the admin panel. 

13. Get to the point

Providing high-quality information is one of the most crucial points when it comes to internet marketing. Developing vague text will push your readers away and create a bad image of your business. Build a solid strategy which you will follow when creating every new post. Therefore, make the content of each article relevant to the topic and follow the central idea.

Provide essential information, whether it is on a wedding, traveling, or chemical experiments. Having a basic understanding of what your blog is dedicated to will simplify your job and help readers and potential business partners understand what they should expect from you. 

14. Check your grammar

There is nothing less attractive than a text riddled with mistakes. Focus on grammatical, spelling, and punctuation issues and improve them as soon as possible. Be attentive before posting each publication, and don’t let things go wrong. Use such grammar checking tools online like Grammarly, Ginger, and Hemingway to protect your text from having flaws. 

Grammatical and delivery issues don’t let readers trust your source, so they leave your blog for a better one. At this step, you need to be attentive while proofreading your text; otherwise, you can order a professional editor. 

15. Select the right visual elements

As it was told earlier about font possibilities, consider adding extra components to the text such as videos, GIFs, images, graphs, and tables. These make content easy to read. Having such text on the screen, readers wouldn’t pass by useful infographics or beautiful pictures.

For example, if you maintain a blog about traveling, you can add photos from your trip. This will gain readers’ trust more than pictures from stocks made by other people. Also, if you can prepare visual elements yourself, do it or ask professionals for assistance!

Searching for images online, laptop and tablet home office

16. Add interesting stories from life

It is unnecessary to provide evidence from other sources if you’ve got a priceless experience yourself. Don’t be afraid of adding a face to your blog and telling personal stories. It is much more enjoyable for people to find a fresh outlook even on the most common topic.

For example, if you run a culinary blog, tell the recipe story: where you discovered it, how your grandma made it, and what this meal reminded you of.  

17. Work on linking

Links are a great way to enrich your audience’s activity and show more of your products to potential customers. Think about internal linking by adding info from another article to the current one.

Also, if you have an online shop or private social media, include them in your story. Indeed, do it if it comes naturally, and don’t force your readers. 

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18. Add more space

One more crucial thing is to allow readers to see the text as not harmful physically for the eyes. Add a 1.5-inch spacing interval, work with indents between paragraphs, and do everything possible for the audience’s comfort. Including more space between lines of text makes the article more accurate and attractive. 

19. Provide a different approach

Don’t think too narrowly while writing your articles. Remember that a blog is a living organism that needs to be improved and refreshed as anything else. Review the style and delivery policy to increase the blog’s popularity.

For example, if you stand for ecological consciousness and make your blog with articles dedicated to the environment and pollution, think bigger, not just blaming others involved, but also provide tips on how to change the situation.

home office with laptop, notebook and a coffee mug

20. Collaborate

You’ll never regret engaging someone with your story. Find interesting personalities, interview them, or survey a specific group of people to enrich your blog with more valuable facts. Collaborations help your brand to stand out among others because they connect information you present with real-life examples.

There is nothing better than a person who supports another person in their business. Make your blog come alive and attract a more significant number of followers to make your brand prosper. 

Final Thoughts

It doesn’t matter whether you use a personal website or social media as a platform for your blog. You can customize the content and make it relevant to your business needs. Use these 20 tips to level up your copywriting skills and never give up if you don’t gain a broad audience instantly. Great results are always worth the wait!

Feel free to contact me regarding digital marketing services at roman.zhywicki@gmail.com


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